With more than 40 years in the architectural and construction industry, Frank B. Moson and Taylor Moson have been featured in numerous trade magazines and journals. They have also been featured as authors and guest lecturers on stadium seating design and fabrication, Movie Theatre Design, Auditorium Design and Efficiency in Design and Construction Systems. Some of the publications that have featured articles by Frank B. Moson and Taylor Moson include:
Trade Magazines

This article examines criteria & options available for designing Stadium Seating Riser Systems. It provides an overview of general requirements for Stadium Seating Designs and compares the SSE PREFOAM EPS Geofoam Systems to traditional methods of constructing stadium seating riser systems for theatre, church, worship facility, and auditorium applications.

This article provides an in depth analysis of why the SSE PREFOAM EPS Geofoam Stadium Seating Riser Systems are the most cost effective and efficient pre-engineered Stadium Seating Systems on the market today. It discusses the advantages of prefabrication, the inherent flexibility of the SSE PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser Systems, the ease of installation and the economy of the SSE PREFOAM EPS Geofoam Stadium Seating Riser Systems.

This article details the environmentally friendly characteristics of the EPS Geofoam material. It explains the various aspects of the material use and incorporation into stadium seating projects and refers to the criteria that will promote LEED Certification.

This article compares building with the PREFOAM EPS Geofoam Stadium Seating Riser Systems to building with building blocks. It provides an overview of the process of constructing stadium seating risers with EPS Geofoam and SSE’s proprietary steel component system. Topics include: EPS Geofoam Building Blocks; Design Flexibility; Space under the Platform; Balcony Seating; Ramps and Stages; Environmental Friendliness and the Ease of Installation.

An article written by SSE’s then project manager, Taylor Moson, about the changes worship facilities are undergoing when it comes to stadium seating design and the incorporation of the SSE PREFOAM Stadium Riser System into modern sanctuary construction.

With the incorporation of food and drink into the cinema industry, the growth of this movement and trends moving forwarded are tackled in this article. A state of the industry, as well as ideas for the future are discussed.

Alcohol and luxury seating has become a standard in many cinema locations around the United States and that movement is referenced and discussed in this article by Vice President, Taylor Moson. Everything from gourmet food, champagne, and luxury popcorn with power recliner seating is mentioned and explained.

Viva Las Vegas! When the Monte Carlo wanted to renovated their existing stadium seating for their seasonal live performances and music acts, they came to SSE to provide the EPS block to get the job done. This article discusses how the foam was used to achieve this goal quickly and cost effectively.
- Religious Product News, Stadium Seating Goes Green
- Religious Product News, Theatre Seating: Frequently Asked Questions
- Screen Trade Magazine, Efficient and Cost Effective Stadium Seating Design
- Boxoffice Magazine, Stadium Seating Criteria and Options
- Shopping Center World, A Conversation with Frank Moson
- California Construction Link, From A to Z with AMC
- Shopping Center World, Make Time for the Schedule
- Orange County Business Journal, MBK Construction Ltd. leads the Industry in Building Entertainment
- Hotel Business, New Construction Moves forward using Alternate Methods of Financing
- Shopping Center World, Annual Entertainment Real Estate Forum
- California Construction Link, The Big Picture
- California Construction Link, Nations First Vertical Multiplex Theatre