Proven Success with PREFOAM Systems
- Prefabricated for Economy & Quality
- Design Flexibility
- Custom Made for a Perfect Fit
- Ease of Installation and Time Savings
- The SSE Roadmap to Success Detailed Installation/Shop Drawings
PREFOAM System Characteristics
US & International Practice
SSE has experience in more than 49 states in the US and Canada. In 2015, through a licensing agreement with an international partner, SSE is expanding our practice to include select locations in Europe.
Innovative Use of Material
The PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser System is a proprietary design by SSE using a unique “kit of parts” with PREFOAM EPS Geofoam structural blocks as a base and Gauge Cold or Hot Rolled Steel as a forming system with a concrete topping slab.
Expedited Installation Time
Installed late in the construction sequence the PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser System permits subcontractors to do all the vertical “high work” in the auditoriums prior to installation of the stadium seating thereby saving time & labor dollars.
Markets we Serve
Brands and Clients
SSE has been afforded the opportunity to incorporate PREFOAM EPS Geofoam and Steel or PREFOAM EPS Geofoam Systems for many of the most recognized companies in the industry today.