Over the past eighteen years SSE has had the privilege of working with a wide variety of clients in our specialized markets. We have completed hundreds of new, renovation and retrofit projects ranging from small lecture halls for both private and public clients to 2,000 seat sanctuaries for some of the nation’s largest worship centers. In addition, we have extensive experience in the cinema market with projects ranging from a single screen 100 seat auditorium to a twenty two screen megaplex including IMAX large format auditoriums. Regardless of what our assignment has been, we have approached each project with the same attention to detail and the highest level of customer service in the industry. This philosophy has allowed SSE to build a significant list of repeat clients with more than 20 individual projects for some select clients.
Representative Owners

Having worked with a wide variety of clients in the Cinema, Worship, Educational, Government, Corporate and Live Entertainment industries, SSE realizes that diverse project types can require a different approach to meet specific needs and requirements. The economical nature of the SSE PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser Systems is always a primary concern, however, depending on the market sector, other priorities take precedent for differing clients. Our ability to service this variety of needs including stringent scheduling and phasing requirements, solutions with specific weight and loading requirements and projects where acoustic considerations are critical require the personal attention of our team and tailoring our services.
The SSE PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser Systems maximize the productivity and time for the installing contractor. This, in turn, allows the facility owner to occupy the venues as soon as possible and begin producing revenue or providing services long before conventional methods of construction would allow. SSE can also recommend outside installation contractors with prior PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser Systems installation experience to work with the general contractor for a fast and easy installation.
And the Owners Say...
“AND THE OSCAR GOES TO STADIUM SEATING ENTERPRISES for their award winning performance in retrofitting the Brenden 16 in Pittsburgh, CA. SSE was able to accommodate our demanding and tight schedule in time for the holidays…
I am still amazed at how quiet construction was so we could show film in the adjacent auditoriums. What a great idea to have the prefabricated components ready for each retrofit. I look forward to working with you again.”
Bruce Coleman
Executive Vice President
Brenden Theatres
Alamo Drafthouse
Alexion Pharmaceuticals
AMC Theatres
ArcLight Theatres
Boffo Cinemas
Brenden Theatres
Century Theatres
Cinemark Theatres
Cinepolis Entertainment
Cobb Theatres
Collierville Baptist Church
Colorado Cinemas
Colorado School of Mines
Dickenson Theatres
Emagine Entertainment
Epic Theatres
Flagship Cinemas
Foothills Community Church
Frank Theatres
GSA/US Army Corps of Engineers
Galaxy Theatres
Great Escape Theatres
Harkins Theatres
iPic Entertainment
Johns Hopkins University
Kerasotes Theatres
Malco Theatres
Megaplex Theatres
Northwest High School
O’Neil Cinemas
Penn Cinemas
Seacoast Grace Church
Regal Cinemas
Regency Cinemas
Revolutions Bowling Centers
Santikos Theatres
Seacoast Grace Church
Silverspot Theatres
Skyline Community Church
Southern Theatres
Spotlight Theatres
Studio Movie Grill
Starplex Cinemas
Sundance Theatres
The Worship Center
Trinity Broadcasting
Ultrastar Theatres
Universal Studios
University of California
University of Colorado
University of Louisiana
University of Memphis
University of New Hampshire
University of North Carolina
University of Oregon
University of Reno
University of Tennessee
University of Texas
Village Centre Theatres
Representative Architects

As ownership in SSE has a professional background in Architecture/Engineering, we can successfully respond to design professionals in a collaborative manner focused on providing the best possible design criteria solution. Following the initial layout of the tiered seating, the SSE team will proceed from the design development stage to provide alternative ideas regarding the system assembly and methods of achieving functionality for the client. During the construction document preparation, our staff can provide not only a complete set of shop drawings, but also AutoCAD details and specifications for the Architect/Engineer of Record for the PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser System design to be incorporated into the final A/E bid package.
With the exception of stamped Structural Engineering drawings and calculations, the SSE installation shop drawings are fully developed for each component and each level of the stadium seating. In many cases this alleviates the need to supply additional design or engineering by the A/E Team. This approach will reduce design costs for the Architect and the Client and contributes to a comprehensive solution to the PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser System design. If structural engineering design and calculations are required for the stadium seating riser system, SSE can recommend a registered professional engineering consultant to be added to the team. These consultants will have specific experience providing engineering designs and calculations for the SSE PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser Systems as required by the jurisdiction of the project.
And the Architects Say...
“I cannot recommend Frank Moson more highly. Frank and I began working together around 2005 on a stadium seating retrofit project where he orchestrated the new seating concept into a reality for a general contractor unfamiliar with the system. He was attentive to the details of all aspects of the work and explained carefully what and how things needed to be done in order to accomplish the finished product.
Since, Frank’s company has participated in several of our projects including new builds. No one is more responsive to your questions in way that makes you feel like you are part of a team all pulling in the same direction.”
Jack Muffoletto, AIA,
TK Architects International
5G Architects
ADW Architects
Algier Group Architects
Althouse, Jaffe & Associates
BGW Architects
Baker Barrios Architects
Beck Group
Blair Ballard Architects
CDH Partners Inc.
Calvert Architectural Group
Cannon Moss Associates
Carlos Moore Architect
The Design Collective
Design West Architects
DLR Group
dva Architects
ELS Architects
FFKR Architects
FTCH Architects
Fleming Associates
Gantt Huberman Architects
Haas Architects
Hoefer Wysocki Architects, LLC
Hodges & Associates
Hollis Miller Architects
Hurford Architects
J7 Architecture
JKR Partners, LLC
Kenneth D. Smith Architects
Kinslow Keith & Todd
Level 4 Studio
Lickel Architecture
MDN Architects
Mesbur + Smith Architects
NCA Partners Architecture
Panich + Noel Architects
Partners in Architecture
Perkins & Will
Pustola & Associates
RL Payne & Associates
RTA Architects
Rodney Sartain Architect
Roth Shepard Architects
Stotser & Associates
TK Architects International
Tanizaki Architects
Tennant Wallace Architects
Thomas Hacker Architects
United Church Builders
Visioneering Studios
WLC Architects
Representative Contractors

Over the eighteen years we have found that Contractors and Subcontractors are some of the biggest supporters of using the SSE PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser Systems. With the SSE PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser System, each specific cost for the installation of the system is spelled out from day one. There are no surprises and no hidden costs.
In more than 90% of the time, it will be the contractors first time ever installing an EPS Geofoam stadium seating system. In virtually every case, after the first round of installations, they have concluded that the SSE PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser Systems are the most economical, easy to install and efficient method of constructing tiered seating in the market.
The SSE Systems are installed late in the construction sequence allowing the subcontractors to finish all the high work above the platform areas without the need to scaffold over the riser platforms. Because of the detailed SSE shop/installation drawings and the logical assembly of the PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser Systems, the installations lend itself to the economical use of lower skilled labor when applicable. Sharing their experience gained through the installation of hundreds of systems, SSE’s management is hands-on with the general/subcontractor’s field crew from preconstruction through the final concrete pour to insure that all questions are promptly answered. SSE personnel will conduct a pre-installation meeting via teleconference for each project to review the details of the installation and any nuances inherent to each particular project to insure that the installation contractor is ready to “hit the job running” on the first day of the PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser System delivery. SSE’s coordination of material delivery allows the contractors to schedule “just-in-time” deliveries of the material to the jobsite. The SSE Project Coordinator will work directly with the installation crew to make sure material is delivered based on your schedule.
The use of the SSE PREFOAM Stadium Seating Riser Systems provide benefits to the entire project team from architects and engineers to facility owners to general and subcontractors. Our best references are our clients. We work hard to earn their trust, respect and repeat business.
And the Contractors Say...
“I just wanted to drop you a note of appreciation for your excellent performance of this our second project with SSE. Both the Frank Theatre and the Penn Cinemas IMAX projects went together just like their design. Having never before worked with your foam riser system, I had some reservations as we started the first project, but those reservations quickly went away.
I would certainly recommend both your firm and your product to anyone. I feel they would get as great a project as Warfel enjoyed.”
J. Michael Dorgan
Senior Project Manager
Warfel Construction
Adolfson & Peterson Construction
AR Mays Construction
Al Neyer Inc.
Axiom Construction
Baker Concrete
Beck Group
Biermann Construction
Blackwood of DC
Blodgett Construction
Brassfield & Gorie
CSI Construction
Cavan Construction
Churches by Daniels Construction
Cincinnati United Contractors
Coloscapes Concrete
Connell Construction
CRR Builders
CVC Construction
Daniels and Daniels Construction
Duke Construction
Dyson Construction
Edifice Inc.
EMJ Corporation
Edwards Construction Services
FCI Construction
Focus Construction
Fortis Construction
Frazier Masonry
Gates Inc.
Graycor Construction
Hamann Construction
Hensel Phelps Construction
Hoar Construction
IMC Construction
Jaynes Construction
KCB Builders
Keystone Concrete Placement
LF Jennings Construction
Lew Lewis Construction
Linkous Construction
Luke Draily Construction
Mapp Construction
March Associates Construction
Marguerite Concrete Inc.
Marco Bay Construction
McCarthy Construction
Miller General Contracting
MJ Womack Construction
Morley Construction
Moorefield Construction
Murray & Stafford Inc.
Nabholtz Construction
National Commercial Builders
Norm Wilson & Sons
Parkway Construction
Pope Construction
R & O Construction
RS Mowery & Sons
Reece-Campbell, Inc.
Robinson Construction
Ronnisch Construction Group
Russco Construction
SD Deacon Construction
Sachse Construction
Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Inc.
Snyder Langston
Specialty Construction
Sponaugle Construction
Stiles Construction
Strong Group
Swinerton Builders
TOR Construction
T & G Constructors
Tony Bagliore Concrete
Turner Construction Company
VCC Construction Company
Vandervert Construction
Warfel Construction
Weitz Company
Whiting-Turner Contracting
Willis A Smith Construction
Zapalac/Reed Construction